Using the General Ledger

The General Ledger functions are used to interface with your accounting software. There are many different General Ledger accounting structures and to facilitate this, payroll can define a flexible General Ledger structure specific to your needs. The General Ledger codes you define effectively link payroll transactions with your chart of accounts. As every company's General Ledger requirements are different, it is highly recommended that you contact the HR3 office for advice when setting up your General Ledger.

Enabling the General Ledger

The first step in using the General Ledger is to enable General Ledger transactions for your payroll. This will allow you to export each payroll to a file suitable for importing into your accounting software. You only need to perform this step once per company.

  1. From the Navigator go to Company | Maintain company.
  2. In the Company Maintenance window, highlight the General Ledger tab on the right.
  3. Select Enable General Ledger Payrun Transactions.
  4. Click Apply to save changes.

Setting up a General Ledger Definition Structure

While this is an optional step, if you want to interface HR3pay with your General Ledger you must set up a General Ledger Definition Structure. This may reflect your costing structure.

There are many different General Ledger chart structures and to facilitate this, payroll can define a flexible General Ledger structure specific to your needs. In most cases, the costing structure (i.e. states / cost centres / departments) will mimic the General Ledger account code structure to some extent.

  1. Click Define structure to create a General Ledger structure for this company.
  2. Enter the Total number of characters you wish to have in the code, including any fixed characters, separators etc.
  3. Using the From Position and To boxes, set up the structure of your code. Each segment can be up to 8 characters long, with an overall total of 35.
  4. For Example:

    1. All annual leave from department A must be posted to an account code 123-1000, where 123 represents Department A and 1000 represents your salaries and wages expense account. Annual leave from department B must be posted to 456-1000, where 456 represents the department, and 1000 represents annual leave.
    2. In the GL structure, set positions 1 to 3 as department (DDD), position 4 as a fixed character '-' and positions 5 to 8 as the annual leave pay item (PPPP). This is represented in the example as DDD-PPPP.
    3. When setting up departments, Department A is assigned the GL code 123 and department B is assigned the prefix 456. The annual leave pay item is assigned the code 1000.
    4. Amounts processed in the payrun are transferred to the General Ledger based on the structure you have defined. Any annual leave taken by an employee in Department A will be posted to 123-1000, and in Department B to 456-1000.
  1. Click Apply as you go to see the structure reflected in the Example at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Any unwanted segments should be entered as 0 (zero).
  3. Click Apply to save your changes.

Primary and Alternate GL Structures

It is possible to create both a Primary GL Structure and an Alternate:

Setting up the GL Definitions with Primary and Alternate Structures


This means that within each company you have the choice of using either no GL structure (this is the same as posting a Fixed Code), the Primary Structure or the Alternate structure. For example, you might use one structure for debit items and the other structure for credit items.

After creating the Primary Structure, if you want to set up a second structure simply click the Alternate Structure tab and repeat the process for setting up the structure (steps 1 to 6).

  1. Click OK to save your changes and close the G/L Definition window.